Bon Bon Mega

126.852 kr

Bon Bon Mega

Helle Mardahl’s Bon Bon Mega Vase is a fusion of sculptural elegance and functionality. Its tall, slender structure is gracefully topped with a colourful lit to complete the candy look. The Bon Bon Mega is the tallest piece in the Bon Bon Collection. It’s handmade by artisans in Copenhagen & Europe.

Please note that each product is handmade and unique, so the shape and color may differ slightly from the one pictured. Furthermore small magical  bubbles may appear. 


– 30 cm. high
– 15 cm. width
– 15 cm. length

Care guide

Helle Mardahl products are not dishwasher friendly. All products should be washed by hand in lukewarm water with a little detergent and wiped dry afterwards to avoid water stains.

Eins og er þá eigum við til fjórar útfærslur af Bon bon mega á lager en mögulegt er að panta alla aðra liti án auka kostnaðar. Vinsamlegast sendið tölvupóst á fyrir frekari upplýsingar. 

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