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Allt að 70% afsláttur af einstökum vörum og sýniseintökum.
Made to orderDispatched within 10-12 weeks
Modular system designed around the classical geometry of the arch, employing from the beginning the disciplined use of the arch to create something more organic.
Sofa 205
Sofa 245
Sofa 284
Sofa 344
Unit with 1 armrest 103
Unit with 1 armrest 123
Unit without armrests 79
Unit without armrests 99
Trapezoid sofa 252
Trapezoid sofa 356
Trapezoid isle unit 208
Trapezoid isle unit 228
Corner unit 94
Pouf for isle units 79 x 94
Pouf for isle units 99 x 94
Pouf 94 x 94
Corner small table